Friday, October 5, 2012

Love everything about Fall!


There's just something about Fall that I love!  Maybe it's the cooler weather or maybe it's the leaves changing color and crunching under your feet, could be that bonfires are just so much more fun in Fall, or the fact that I absolutely adore anything made with pumpkin, or apples or cider.... on and on it goes. 

My love affair with Fall started when I was a little girl, and my mom would begin to decorate our house with leaves from outside, pinecones and a few pumpkins tucked here and there.  The house began to smell heavenly each day as a pot of chicken soup, or some fresh baked cookies were sitting on the stove waiting for little hands to enjoy! 

Now it's my girls who look forward to Fall.  Each claiming it to be their favorite season!  We all love to decorate our house and have done so since they were quite little.  This year, I added a project into the decorating mix.  Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures of it along the way, but I know there are tutorials out there on how to do this.

First I found an old suitcase, (one of the benefits of my mom owning a home decor shop) then we ripped out the lining inside it and my dear husband cut it in half the long way.  We then added some wood on the sides and attached picture hanger....And your ready to hang!

Enjoy these lovely Fall days before all too soon they are gone and winter sets in!

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