Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Whew! Been so busy! But finally a project!

Life has been so busy these past few weeks!  The three older girls went to camp for a week, then when they came back our youngest went and the rest of us had Teen Time every night for the week.  Then we had a surprise party to attend, and then we left for a week of vacation.  So much fun, but not much time for projects. 

Finally I was able to work on something yesterday, and I love how it turned out!  Of course, my camera stinks so you don't really see how great it looks, but oh well!

Awhile back I bought a cute end table for $4.95.  It looked like this:

One of our cats decided that this was a nice place to get out of the sun! 

I kept trying to decide what color to paint this, but finally decided on a teal that I had left over from a previous project... I do so love teal!

I also used some leftover stain and worked quickly painting an area with the stain, and then wiping it off.  I love the effect that gives.  I went ahead and dry brushed some white onto the handles and wahla!  Finished in just a few hours! 

I really love when projects only cost $4.95 and add a splash of color to a room!